

发布日期:2024-04-16 11:41    点击次数:109


企鹅电竞 守护开月

Electronic sports, or commonly known as eSports, has become a global phenomenon in recent years. While many eSports tournaments take place, few events have sparked as much excitement and passion as the League of Legends World Championship. The star player for the FunPlus Phoenix, Gao Tianliang, known as "开心" (which translates to "Happy"), has captured the hearts of Chinese e-sports fans. That is why Tencent's own gaming platform, the Tencent Penguin Esports, is releasing special merchandise and organizing events to support and cheer him on.

The Rise of Tencent Penguin Esports

Tencent Penguin Esports was only established in 2017, but it has already become one of the most prominent and prestigious platforms in China's eSports community. The platform has hosted various tournaments, such as the King Pro League, Peace Elite League, and the Honor of Kings Professional League, attracting millions of viewers and fans. Tencent Penguin Esports has also cooperated with streaming platforms, such as Douyu and Huya, to broadcast its matches, enabling wider access to tournaments and making them accessible to everyone.

开心's Journey to Fame

Gao Tianliang, also known as "开心"(Happy), is a Chinese League of Legends player. He began his journey in 2017, playing for Suning Gaming's Challenge Cup. In 2018 he was picked up by FunPlus Phoenix, a Chinese esports organization, to compete in the League of Legends Pro League. In 2019, Gao helped his team reach the finals of the World Championship, where they emerged as the champions and secured a place in the annals of League of Legends history, as well as making Chinese esports history.

The Importance of Supporting eSports Teams

Without the help of fans and the organizations behind them, no eSports team can thrive. Supporting and cheering on the team is crucial to their success, and fans who become involved can become a valuable part of the eSports community. Tencent's Penguin Esports understands the importance of building and maintaining a fan base, which is why they've organized events and released special merchandise to support 开心(Happy).


In short, eSports has grown from a niche pastime to a global phenomenon that cannot be ignored. The Tencent Penguin Esports is one of the most prominent platforms in China and has become an essential part of the country's eSports community. As for 开心(Happy), he is a symbol of the perseverance that every aspiring eSports athlete should seek. Fans who support their favorite team or player play a crucial role in the success not only of the individual player or team but the community as a whole.

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